Convergent evolution... tell me more
Use the following menu to navigate through this text:
- What is evolutionary convergence?
- Universal convergence
- Concerted convergence
- Convergence and optimality
- Detecting convergence
- Do you mean convergence, or should we say parallelism?
- Is there a General Theory of Biology?
- The search for extra-terrestrial life
- References
Dixon, D. 1981. After Man: A Zoology of the Future. Harrow House Editions.
Givnish, T.J. et al. 2005. Repeated evolution of net variation and fleshy fruits among monocots in shaded habitats confirms a priori predictions: evidence from an ndhF phylogeny. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 272, 1481-1490.
Kaster, J. and Berger, J. 1977. Convergent and parallel evolution: a model illustrating selection, phylogeny, and phenetic similarity. BioSystems 9, 195-200.
Mack, R.N. 2003. Phylogenetic constraint, absent life forms, and pre-adapted alien plants: a prescription for biological invasions. International Journal of Plant Sciences 164 (3, Suppl.), S185-S196.
Sumbre, G. et al. 2005. Motor control of flexible octopus arms. Nature 433, 595-596.
Thomas, R.D.K. and Reif, W.E. 1993. The skeleton space: a finite set of organic designs. Evolution 47, 341-360.
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